Dear Dr. Mimi: On not receiving recognition.

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I don’t want to look like a braggart; however, I’ve been having a problem in getting the recognition I deserve at work. Can you make any suggestions how I could handle this issue?

Dear Unrecognized:
Don’t be afraid to speak up and blow your own horn regarding your work. Often, if you don’t inform people of all that you do, they don’t know that you are doing it. If you are working on a project, keep your manager in the loop so that he or she knows your specific contribution to the assignment. Arrange for a one-on-one meeting with your supervisor so that together you can go over what you have been doing, and follow it up with asking if there’s anything you should be doing differently. When you receive praise, accept the praise graciously and add this accolade to your resume.
—Dr. Mimi

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