Dealing with Coworker Conflict

We are often hired to resolve Coworker Conflict. If conflict is left to fester, it hurts everyone involved! While each situation is unique, here are some basic considerations on resolving Coworker Conflict.

• As soon as possible, meet with the feuding coworkers. The more time that goes by, the harder it is to resolve it.
• Review and communicate any policies that impact the situation.
• In case they are tempted to take their issues online, review and communicate any rules on the use of e-mail and social media.
• If you’re emotionally involved, use an independent mediator which could come from human resources or be an outside person.
• Meet in a neutral and confidential venue.
• Set behavioral norms for the meeting to create an environment of courtesy and respect. A sample norm could be: “Each person will state their case without interruption.”
• Before they state their cases, let them know what procedure will be used to resolve the conflict. Are you going to facilitate a discussion? What will happen if they cannot agree? Will you be making the determination?
• Communicate what will be the follow-up and who will be doing it. Let them know what you will take as evidence that the conflict has been resolved.

If you have Coworker Conflict, Dr. Mimi can help. Contact her at 407-628-0669 or

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