You Might Be a Bully!


Often, people who are bullies do not realize it. They are sometimes even surprised that others perceive them as bullies. If you do the following, you may be a bully.
Bullies are regularly quick-tempered and impulsive. They get enraged easily
and commit acts of physical aggression. They have a strong need to dominate
and subdue others.
Bullies blame others. They pick fights and claim self-defense. They talk their way out of situations and rarely take responsibility for their actions.
Bullies lack empathy. They enjoy seeing people hurt. When they tease others, they claim that they were only joking, and can’t their victim take a joke? They act superior when really they have a poor self-concept.
What can you do if you are a bully? Recognize it and get help! Ask people to let you know if they feel they are being bullied. Assure them that you will not seek retribution. Listen without defending yourself. Thank them for their feedback and honesty. Sincerely apologize to those you have hurt. However, unless the bullying stops, apologies are useless.
Stop the teasing. It is not funny! If you have to pick on someone, pick on yourself.
If you can’t stop on your own, get help. Seek counseling and/or coaching from someone who is qualified to handle your situation. If you really want to change, an effective counselor can provide you both support and relief.

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