Why Team Players Are as Important as High Achievers

High achievers are important to an organization. Team players are even more important! Every boss should build teams and team players and here’s why:
Team players work well with others. No matter how great the team looks on
paper, poor attitudes and clashing personalities can reduce productivity. An assessment like the DiSC® helps to resolve “personality conflicts.”
Team players care about the organization. They typically believe in the company and see themselves as a piece of a puzzle helping to move the company forward If the company succeeds, so do they.
Team players are enthusiastic. They are willing to take on a task willingly
even if it is not their typical job duties. High achievers who lack teamwork skills are less likely to do so.
Team players solicit input from others. High achievers often rely on themselves and discount other peoples’ ideas. An effective team member understands that with collaboration comes creativity, problem solving and innovation.
Build your team and you will build your organization!

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