Take a Vacation…Really!

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Are you so busy at work that you don’t really take a vacation? Vacations are important and actually help you increase production, regain focus, and reduce stress. So what can you do to enjoy your vacation and not stress about work?
Plan! Consider when things are less busy and set a mutually agreeable time with your boss for you to go away. Once your vacation is planned, let your boss know what your dates are and mark them off on the calendar.
Ask a colleague to be your backup. This person can cover for you while you’re gone–and you can do the same when he or she takes a vacation. They can take notes for you at important meetings, handle urgent calls or e-mails, make routine decisions, or answer questions on your behalf.
Tell people you’ll be out. Let customers, clients, coworkers and vendors
know your vacation dates. You can also provide them with your backup’s name. If you are working on a project, let people know how you meet expected deadlines.
Give your boss a countdown and set parameters. Periodically remind your boss about your vacation and how you are preparing. Let them know that you plan to check e-mails only sporadically so you won’t be compelled or feel obligated to check your phone or e-mail all the time. Don’t be too reachable.
Get prepared. Organize your desk, your e-mail and your voicemail. Set a time to go over last minute things with both your boss and your back up.
Relax and enjoy. Use your time off to do what you want to do. If you do, you actually come back more creative and productive than if you had stayed in the office for the same time period!

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