Team Building vs. Team Entertainment


Team building is not a one-time event. If you were building an athletic team, would you have them practice once a year and just show up for the games? Of course not! A work team is no different. If you want your team to be successful, it needs ongoing training, coaching and practice.

There is a difference between team building and team entertainment. It is great fun for a team to go to dinner, attend an event together and even play together. This can help your team get to know each other and have a good time. That’s team entertainment!

Effective team building involves dealing with the strengths and challenges of your team and working on them…and this can be fun…along with being productive!

Before we work with a team we find it is important to consider: What is the team doing well? How can it be even better? What needs to be remedied? What conflicts need to be resolved? What behaviors need to change? Once we know the concerns, we help teams address them.

Our clients realize that it is important to face the real issues and deal with them because, if not, the strengths become weaker, the best employees leave, the difficulties grow and the poor employees stay!

Isn’t it time for you to have a real Team Building experience? Does real team building take time? Yes! Is it worth it? Absolutely! Remember, investment precedes reward…always.

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