Email Etiquette in the Office

Be concise: Long messages are difficult to read and often don’t get read. Aim to get it all in the preview window
Utilize the subject line: Create a short, meaty headline that clues your receiver on the content and why they should open it. Change subject lines as needed.
Respond promptly: If you need more than 24 hours, respond that you need more time. Use “away” messages.
Avoid sarcasm and humor: Sarcasm and humor increases miscommunication because you don’t have “tone of voice.”
Use emoticons sparingly: Sometimes a smile or frown adds to your message, but don’t litter your emails with them as they can be a distraction and/or annoying to the receiver.
Don’t send emails if emotional or angry: Cool off before you respond.
Think about ‘Reply All’: Consider whether or not they all need to receive that email.
Use the To: and Cc: lines differently: Have people within your organization know that people listed in “To:” are meant to respond. People listed in Cc: are to be simply informed.
Initially, start with a greeting and end with a closing: This increases response rate.
Don’t resolve conflicts through email: Arguing over something via email will make it worse. Deal in person when possible or use the phone.
Save your emails: You never know when you need them.
(From Time Mgt. Seminar- Dr. Mimi Hull)

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