The Miracle of Manners

We were all taught phrases, such as, “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all,” and “Return something in better condition than you borrowed it.” But what happens as adults? We’re grown-ups with professional jobs, after all. Do we stop using these manners? The answer is NO!
The simplest gestures can make the biggest differences. Here are some tips:
Say please and thank you. These short words can make all the difference.
When you borrow something make sure to return it in a timely manner…in the same condition you found it.
Acknowledge your coworkers; a simple hello or good morning is all you need sometimes.
Be mindful of your coworkers’ likes and dislikes and how you impact the environment. If your neighbor at work can’t work with music playing, don’t blast songs from your cubicle.
Maintain office etiquette at all times. This means keeping phone conversations and emails professional and holding professional standards for yourself at all times.
(From Dr. Mimi’s Seminar – Executive Etiquette)

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