In an organization, people and their skill sets may start to blend together. So how do you spot a great leader?
People Oriented: Great leaders focus on the people they are working with first, not just the task at hand. Look for people who know how to work with others and whom others seek out for information and guidance.
Responsibility: A real leader knows how to take responsibility, for both the good and the bad. Look for people who will own up to their mistakes and even take the blame if something goes wrong or the results weren’t as planned.
Decisive: A leader has to be able to step up and make the call for a group even when no one else will. Look for individuals who use their best judgment and are willing to consider alternatives and make a decision for a group.
Confidence: As leaders all eyes are on them. If a person appears unsure or nervous about their role, others will doubt their capabilities.
Focus: Remaining focused and keeping their eye on the prize is essential to being a great leader. Leaders don’t allow distractions to lure them in and take up valuable time that they need to lead and complete assigned tasks.
(From Dr. Mimi’s Leadership Workshop)
Spotting Great Leaders
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