You Can Be Better!

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The monotony of doing the same job day in and day out can put you in a rut. But it’s important to feel passionate and excited about your job. You have to be fully committed or risk falling into a state of apathy and mediocrity. Having positive feelings can lead to an enhanced attitude, better job performance and ultimately rewards. Here are some tips to be better!
1. Be honest! Ask yourself, “Am I doing the best that I can? Am I committed to achieving results today which are better than yesterday or am I just trying to get by?” Remember: “Minimums are designed to control those who are not driven enough to manage themselves.”
2. Challenge yourself. If you’re bored doing the same thing, then stop! Increase your productivity and strive to continue to keep outdoing yourself.
3. Remember why you started your job. There had to be something that made you shake hands with your boss and agree to work where you do. Recall the moment and the feeling.
4. Focus on the good times. Dig through your memory bank and remember some of your favorite job memories. It may be a pleased client or perhaps a company event or even the friendships you’ve made.
5. Have fun! Of course you have to complete the task at hand, but have fun doing so. The key is to break up your day and avoid a dull routine. Take short breaks. Mingle with coworkers in the lunch room. Eat healthy snacks and/or listen to your favorite music.
6. Get a coach and/or mentor. Sometimes you can’t do it all by yourself. Having even 1-3 sessions with a coach can make a big difference in your attitude and your productivity.
(By the way, did you know Dr. Mimi does coaching?)

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