Volunteering Pays!

Students and retired adults are a majority of volunteers. Working adults constitute a smaller percentage, which is a shame because volunteering can aid your organization, your employees
and the community. Having trained thousands of volunteers, we know that when organizations actively encourage volunteerism, the payback is multifold:

Volunteering benefits your Organization because it:
Builds brand awareness
Strengthens trust and loyalty among consumers
Enhances corporate image and reputation
Improves employee retention
Increases employee productivity
Provides an effective vehicle to reach strategic goals

It benefits the Employee because it:
Improves performance
Increases job satisfaction, attitude, and morale
Encourages teamwork
Promotes leadership and skill development
Improves communication between employees and their supervisors, and across departments

Lastly, volunteerism benefits the Community because it:
Provides a skilled and talented volunteer pool
Offers direct recruiting and labor cost savings for community service organizations
Creates quantifiable social impact
Helps bring community needs into focus

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