Dear Dr. Mimi: Know-it-Alls

Dear Dr. Mimi:
What do you do with a person who thinks they know it all and always have the correct answer? It would be great if they did, but often they are wrong. Being wrong does not prevent them from sounding like they have the correct answer. They have a very authoritative voice and project that they are absolutely correct. Do I call them out at the meeting, for just keep quiet and hope that the reality will show itself? This is driving me crazy. Help.
—Know More Than the Know-It-All

Dear Know More:
First of all, don’t be intimidated by their style. Focus on the substance! These people are seeking approval and don’t want to lose face, especially if they are doing this in front of others. Give them a way out. Thank them for their opinion and then give the correct information with documentation, suggesting that what they said does not seem to be in agreement with the information that you have. If they disagree with you, ask them to meet with you one-on-one so that you can compare your specifics with their specifics. Let them know that when you meet with them, you will need to have their sources of information so that you can compare notes. Again, thank them for bringing out important points and let them know you are looking forward to exploring this further.
—Dr. Mimi

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