Delegation Fears and Realities!

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Why don’t people delegate? FEAR!
• Fear of giving up control
• Fear that the person lacks experience and/or competence
• Fear of a mistake and they are still accountable
• Fear their employees are already overworked
• Fear that the person won’t like them if they expect too much of them
• Fear that it will take longer to explain than to do it themselves
Often these fears are unwarranted!
• The reality is that employees have untapped potential and competencies.
• The reality is employees want to do and learn new things.
• The reality is if the task is to be repeated, the training is an investment not a cost.
• The reality is that most employees are not overworked and welcome a challenge.
• The reality is that employees will like you more and are more likely to stay and engage.

Effective delegation means setting clear expectations, offering training and being available for questions. Share the responsibility and the authority. Build in checkpoints and last, but not least, evaluate the performance and accentuate the positive! Your job will be easier and they will be happier!
(From Dr. Mimi Hull’s Leadership/Delegation Training)

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