Get Motivated!

         We all have slumps and we need to know how to pick ourselves up when that happens. Here are some helpful hints to get and stay motivated.
         • Be positive! You can choose to be negative, but why? Instead of saying I can’t or won’t, try saying I can and I will! Stop trying and start doing!
         • Enjoy today! Schedule some time to do what you want to do. Fit it in even if it means getting up earlier or staying up a bit later.
         • Get out of your comfort zone! Try something different, knowing you might make mistakes. They won’t be fatal and you will probably learn something!
         • Commit publicly. None of us likes to look bad in front of others. We will make the extra effort to do something we’ve told others we would get done, so share your dreams and aspirations.
         • Laugh both at and with yourself. A sense of humor will get you far. Paraphrasing Mark Twain, if you don’t laugh at yourself, you miss out on a lot of good humor!
         • Get support. Choose to be with people who make you feel good, encourage you and see your strengths. Building a support system will make you even stronger.
         • Finish what you start. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to do even more.
         • Reward yourself. What would you love to have or do? Set that as a reward and work toward it. If it is something that will cost you money, regularly contribute to your own cause. Save the pennies and the dollars will come!
         • Treat yourself well. Nourish your body, mind and spirit. Remember the best gift you can give others is you, so take care of yourself!

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