Lose Control!

“The best leaders are those that people hardly know exist.”- Lao Tzu

Don’t confuse, inspire, motivate and influence with control!

         The role of a leader brings great responsibilities and increases the supposition of a need to control because, admit it or not, there is a bit of a control freak in all of us.

         Overusing control can lead to failure and loss of respect. Often controlling behavior hinders the development of the very staff members you hired to support you and develop.

         So how can you feel secure and also develop others???
         • Set expectations, priorities, checkpoints and timelines, but don’t do the work itself.
         • Be transparent. Share your plans, ideas and even worries about the project. This makes you approachable and gives your staff a chance to come up with their own (perhaps even better!) ideas.
         • Monitor progress and only offer advice when asked.
         • Let your employees know that it is okay to ask even “stupid” questions.
         • Show trust by gradually assigning new tasks. Be careful to avoid overload by working with them to fit the task into their schedule.
         • Allow your employees to do the task differently than you would have. Remember, it is the result that matters

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