Many people don’t take vacations often enough and when they do take vacations, they bring work along. Stop!
Taking a vacation is necessary and can increase your productivity.
When you take a vacation …
You reduce stress. Vacations bring stress relief not only on the vacation, but for weeks later.
You are reenergized. Taking regular time off to ‘recharge your batteries,’ invigorates and motivates you.
You are healthier. You will feel better during the day and sleep better at
night. Your body naturally will start to heal itself and you will have fewer aches and pains.
You are less likely to burnout. Burnout is a result of stress. Lowering your stress will help you work smarter not harder.
You are more creative. A change of pace is stimulating. A stimulated brain is more creative.
You will have stronger relationships. Spending time enjoying life with loved ones can keep relationships strong, so that you can enjoy the good times and get through the hard times.
You will actually do a better job. Lower stress levels lead to increased quality of work on the job.
The bottom line is that taking a vacation gives you the break you need so that you can return to the office refreshed and better equipped to
handle whatever comes.
(From Stress Training – Dr. Mimi Hull)
Take a Vacation!
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