Dear Dr. Mimi: Generation Gap

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I have had it with this younger generation. They are egotistical, coddled and entitled, and when 5 p.m. comes, they are out the door. It is “all about me” and, quite frankly, I am sick and tired of their ego. On one hand, they want to have entry jobs as the boss, and on the other, they want to be shown how to do every little thing. Please let me know what they bring to the table, because at this point, I am not seeing it!
— Older and Wiser

Dear O and W:
There is an old adage that says, “Before you can be older and wiser, you have to be young and stupid.” We all wanted what the millennials want; the difference is that they ask for it, or should I say, demand it!
There really are advantages of having an age-diverse workforce. For most organizations, millennials are becoming an ever-growing part of your customer base. By having them on your staff, you get to learn what’s important to that generation and become more customer savvy and earn a marketing advantage. Millennials are not really into the 9 to 5. In fact, they are more of a 24/7 type of worker. They are attached to their phones, not their desks, and as their employer, you can reap the benefits. They do not mind working from home at all hours of the day and night and are not upset if you call before or after hours. With so many technological opportunities, working remotely can be a real advantage to both you and your employee.
Speaking of technology, millennials have a natural facility with technology. The advances in technology are coming at an ever-quickening pace, and today’s organizations have no real choice about embracing it. The good news is that if you are willing to learn, they are willing to teach.
Last, but not least, they have a great deal of energy. If you let them know that what they are doing is meaningful and will help their careers, they will embrace the challenge with eagerness and excitement. Before long, you will start to not only put up with the millennials, but also will actually seek to have them as part of your team.
—Dr. Mimi

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