Here we are again! It’s time to reflect on last year’s achievements and flops and set new goals. I know, you tried this before: You make a resolution, stick to it for a while and then break it! You get bored and discouraged as the excitement wears off. Keeping yourself motivated, committed and moving is often difficult.
Whether your goal for the New Year is a promotion at work or weight loss, the goal must be yours! You must believe there is something in it for you. As you enter the New Year, set personal and professional goals that motivate you and allow you to track your progress. Keep in mind that all goals should be S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely and add these simple steps:
1. Understand yourself.
2. Determine what you (really!) want.
3. Set your goal with a measurable first step. A goal without an action item is a dream!
4. Prepare a plan with lots of little steps that will help you feel like you’re progressing.
5. Implement your plan and monitor/reward your progress … and this is the most important part of your Goal Setting Plan:
6. Decide in advance what you’ll do if you get derailed. In other words, if and when you get off track, write down what you will do to get back on track! Planning for the failure creates success. Remember, failure isn’t failure when you learn something and don’t give up!
(From Dr. Mimi’s Strategic Planning)
Make More than a Resolution, Make Progress!
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