Managing Your Own Stress

         When we do workshops on stress, we find that people blame the company for their stress, but in fact they create their own stress. Stress is real and needs to be managed. Stress can lead to physical and psychological illness, reduced morale and productivity. Some tips to reduce stress are:
Be responsible for your physical well-being.
         • Eat a healthy snack like fruit or nuts every 2-3 hours.
         • Take a stretch break every hour.
         • Exercise to improve your mood and boost energy!
Don’t confuse working hard with overworking.
         • Avoid “bringing work home.”
         • Silence your phone during meals and don’t answer unnecessary e-mails.
Make time for yourself!
         • Get extra sleep, read a book, or meditate.
         • Take time to digest each day’s achievements.
Practice Communication.
         • Notify your supervisor of stressful issues. They can’t fix what they don’t know!
         • Create trusting relationships with your coworkers. A joy shared is twice the joy and               a burden shared is half the burden.
Access your resources
         • Perhaps HR can help or direct you to someone who can.
         • Suggest a stress management workshop. It is amazing how the investment                         pays off!
(From Stress Management seminar by Dr. Mimi)

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