I Love Millennials!

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         Millennials like to work as a team and aren’t intimidated by age differences. They work well with diverse coworkers. They build relationships. Being a people person, I love that!
         Millennials love technology. I didn’t know what I was missing in tech shortcuts and web based opportunities until I watched and learned from our interns.
         Millennials are self-assured. They want to take on the world and represent a whole new client base. By listening to them, I learn what’s important to their generation. No matter what your business, Millennial input is essential.
Millennials understands personal branding. As a speaker and trainer, the least favorite part of my job is selling myself and my skills. They encourage me to promote myself.
         Millennials like work/life integration. They are attached to their iPhones and a 24/7 work schedule and I reap the benefits.
         Millennials have lots of energy. My days are filled with travel, speaking, trainings and other “stuff.” I have lots of energy and they do as well. They also share my enthusiasm for what I do.
         Yes, Millennials are different from Baby Boomers, but the benefits of having them on your team is worth the difference.

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