Should We Have a Board Retreat?


         If your Board is in a rut, or simply mediocre, consider a Board Retreat. A retreat allows time to discuss issues while building close relationships in a productive environment. Retreat locations include anything from meeting rooms to resorts to campgrounds. They can last as little as a few hours to as long as a few days.

         Engaging a facilitator is vital to help you:
         • Set clear goals, leading to practical outcomes.
         • Develop a focused agenda to maximize time.
         • Provide an appropriate pace, monitor topics and ensure progress and closure.
         • Create a frank, courteous atmosphere so you can examine, discuss, disagree, then          productively resolve issues and next steps.
         • Enable informal contact: Breaks, meals, and time between sessions provide the                 environment in which people get to know each other and learn more about what                they can contribute.

         Consider a facilitated retreat to enable your Board to be more focused, a better team, and achieve more.

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