9 Tips on How to Go Above and Beyond

Managing people isn’t just about getting the job done. To truly be a great leader, sometimes you need to go above and beyond what the job calls for.

1. Lead by example. You can talk until you’re blue in the face, but the best way to get a point across is to be the model to emulate. Let employees follow your lead.
2. Get your hands dirty. Sometimes you need to show your employees that no one’s above doing unattractive tasks.
3. Make a difference to your employees. Don’t just be a generic manager — stand out as a leader and role model for your employees.
4. Gain your employees’ trust and respect. You’ll have a much easier time managing employees when they respect your rules and boundaries and trust your leadership.
5. Be empathetic to personal problems. Whether it should or not, what happens outside of work can have a big affect on the quality of work produced. Be sensitive if employees have personal issues that keep them from concentrating on work.
6. Be unique as a manager. Every position demands something different and you should be proud to be adept at your particular role rather than trying to emulate other managers.
7. Remember that ethics matter above all. Be honest and reliable in all of your business and personal relationships.
8. Be on the lookout for new ideas. You never know where your next great inspiration will come from.
9. Get to know your employees. Learn more than just their names. Get to know your employees’ family backgrounds, likes and dislikes. Doing so will make you more personable.

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