Overcoming Motivational Mistakes

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A motivator must have:
PERCEIVED VALUE. Many managers mistakingly assume that anything they give out will be valuable to an employee. Not true!!! For example, promising expanded role responsibilities for exceptional performance may motivate some employees, but not others. Get to know your employees and personalize rewards based on your employee needs.

PERCEIVED EQUITY. People compare rewards. If one perceives that, compared to others, they are doing more yet receiving less, they will lose motivation. Ensure that rewards are perceived as fair by ALL your employees.

MOTIVATING and not HYGIENE QUALITIES. Fredrick Herzberg refers to “Hygiene” factors as things that are expected in a job. For example,  rewarding an employee with a new functional computer would be an ineffective motivator, as the employee EXPECTS adequate supplies to perform their job. Hygiene rewards decrease dissatisfaction, but don’t increase satisfaction.

SINCERITY. Giving praise or rewards just for the sake of doing it is not motivating. Engage with employees completely so that they sense the genuineness of your rewards. How you say something is as important as what you say!


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