Body Language: Get Your Ideas Across

Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally.  All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others.  This can work for or against us depending on the kind of body language we use.

Looking your best at work isn’t only based on having the proper attire, grooming, and interview skills, but your body language and presentation skills must also be up to par.

Here are a few tips on being a better presenter and using your body to get your idea across.

1) STEP UP to the front of the room, as if delighted to be there. Either way, his excitement was contagious.

2) STEP AWAY from the podium. Sure, it feels safe to stand behind the podium. But your audience needs to see you; the more they see, the more they trust.

3) STEP INTO a question. One step forward—that’s all it takes to project confidence. Step back and you look fearful, like you’re retreating.

4) STEP TO THE SIDE to spark audience discussion. Just because you’re the speaker, doesn’t mean you need to answer every question, or participate in every exchange. Toss a question out to the audience; once they engage, move out of the way. Then, when you’re ready, step back in and take charge.

Remember: Presenting your ideas is a physical act. To move your audience—move.

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