Fear at Work: Is it Useful…or Scary?

How do you deal with fear at work? In many workplaces, this unfortunate pattern begins when employees are afraid to ask questions or shy away from asserting their truth.  Pride and trust are undermined, and relationships turn sour.  Are there different “types” of fear: some you can count on like feelings of apprehension during a performance review, while others are indicative of a broken process, such as “I can’t speak up; they’ll fire me!”?

Surprisingly, many executives quietly (perhaps unconsciously) assume that fear is “good” — or inadvertently cause fear in others in an attempt to motivate. Make no mistake: externally imposed fear is not an effective motivational tool.  Though it may yield short-term gains, it usually backfires.  This practice, part of the legacy of traditional hierarchies, prevents people from doing their best.

People are already motivated, and wise leaders need only harness that already exists. People are far more likely to go the extra mile when they see a genuine concern for employee well-being — not the often heard “You’d better. . . or else. . . and that’s final.”

On the other hand, fear that comes from within you — such as a concern that you might not meet a deadline you voluntarily agreed to — produces discomfort or anxiety and if it doesn’t cause overwhelm, will inspire action.

Manageable, self-imposed fear acts as the fuel for change or improvement.  It propels us forward and helps us move through stuck points or avoid hazards.  It is a natural part of learning.  But if I’m concerned about being judged or penalized or fired. . . I’m not going to learn, and I might not even hang around, let alone perform well.

So if we can fully commit to building a workplace culture where externally-imposed fear is headed for extinction, we’ll all win. Let your response to fear teach you what it’s like to be fully present.  Help the leaders understand the impact of their behavior.  By the way, do remember to breathe!

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