Creating an Ethical Accountable Culture

Here are 7 steps to foster “responsibility and accountability” or in other words – Ethics!

Start at the top. “Do as I say and not as I do.” won’t work. The person at the top of the organization and/or a work group sets the standard.

Promote strong internal controls. It would be great if everyone was always honest and ethical. Sorry…that is just not the case. There needs to be checks and balances to ensure the rules are followed.

Establish a whistleblower policy. Train everyone on how to report wrongdoing. Create a culture where feedback is welcome and people feel safe. Financial incentives can reduce fears of retaliation and encourage people to step up and to share information.

Prevent reprisals. People who let management know about ethics violations must not fear being punished.

Provide ethics and fraud training. Train on what is an ethics violation. Give examples and case studies so people can understand the “gray” issues as well as the “black and white” ones.

Implement a confidential hotline. Sometimes people need to feel that their identity is protected.

Create a culture of doing the right thing. Discuss, train and implement ethical standards at all levels. Share and praise difficult but good decisions.

Being ethical involves hard choices. Once you make them, you will feel better, your organization will feel better and you will be more profitable and productive!

(From Ethics Training – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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