Running Productive Meetings

Most of us are not natural communicators.  To get results, meetings need to follow an organized structure.  Often groups get stalled because there are misunderstandings.  When we facilitate meetings, we always consider these four points.

1. “What’s up?”  It is important to make an emotional connection that enables others to share their concerns with the group.

2. “What’s so?”  Conversations can move from facts to inferences quickly.  We work to delineate what are facts and what are assumptions.

3. “What’s possible?”  Remember the “leader” is not the only one with good ideas.  All participants should work together to create the best outcome.

4. “Let’s go!”  Get a mutual commitment to action—and confirm it.  If you don’t confirm the action plan, the excitement for an idea can fade and so will the participation.  Meetings can be productive and enjoyable when they are well-facilitated.  Using this model will start you off on the right foot.  Let us know if we can help.

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