Seven Leadership Flaws

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Here are seven flaws that will derail your leadership potential.
1. Not being able to handle criticism – You’re not perfect! If someone cares enough to share criticism,listen and, if needed, make changes.
2. Not delegating – Delegation is difficult. If they really lack skill, get them training or hire someone that can do it. Running things smoothly and efficiently does not mean doing it all yourself!
3. Know it all – Many of our greatest leaders understand that they can’t possibly know everything and hire or engage people that know more than they do about a particular subject!
4. Procrastination – Often procrastination is a result of having no plan or priorities. Look into time management and goal setting to learn how to overcome procrastination.
5. Lack of focus – Things will come up that will distract you, and you need a clear set of priorities. Doing a little bit of everything gets nothing finished and causes stress.
6. Afraid to change – Change is essential not only in technology, but also in how you handle people, the way you market, and in every aspect of your organization. Holding on to old ways because they’ve always been done that way is a path to failure. To improve, make changes, even if it means being uncomfortable at first.
7. Under appreciating your people – Your people ARE your organization and need to feel appreciated. They also want to be trained, developed and grown. As a leader, treat your organization like a garden. If you water, fertilize and weed your garden, it will continue to reap a quality harvest year after year.

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