Research has shown that people like and are more productive with appropriately humorous leaders. Why? First, the environment is perceived as cheerful, fun, friendly, and relaxed. Second, a funny leader is perceived to be more motivating. Third, a funny leader can be perceived as easygoing, which could result in people being less worried about receiving negative evaluations.
So what is appropriate humor?
• It encourages a positive atmosphere and builds confidence by being supportive.
• It builds rapport and trust and is based on caring.
• It brings people together. It’s inclusive and shared.
• It decreases prejudice by focusing on universal human experiences.
• Humor can be self-effacing and model how to poke fun at yourself without being negative or too self-critical
Warning: The more culturally diverse the audience, the harder it is to be humorous. What is funny in one culture may not translate well to another!
(From the talk on Leadership Lessons by Dr. Mimi Hull)
Humor in the Workplace
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