Dr Mimi Hull’s answer to How can I create a fun but productive work environment?

The classic example of how a company is able to create a fun but productive work environment is in Seattle, Washington at the Pike Fish Market. The employees there developed a philosophy, called the “FISH” philosophy.  When we have introduced this concept of having fun into work environments, we have found that our clients have higher productivity, higher job satisfaction, and a work environment that people look forward to. The idea is to focus on the goals of your organization while allowing employees to engage in some type of play.  This could mean a casual dress day, wearing a funny hat, celebrating mini successes with sparking water in champagne glasses, a meeting where all the chairs are removed from the room, having fun foods for lunch, or even just an ice breaker.  (Warning! Icebreakers have a bad reputation so don’t call it an icebreaker…just do the activity!)

How can I create a fun but productive work environment?

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