Dear Dr. Mimi: Hiring Speakers

Dear Dr. Mimi,

I am in charge of hiring our speaker/trainer for our next firm retreat. How do I begin to choose? Do you have any guidelines?


Dear Perplexed,

Start by thinking about what you want your people to know, feel and do as a result of the retreat. In other words, what is the goal of the retreat? Do you want to be strictly entertained, or do you also need some meat?

Then think about people you have heard or whom you have heard about or think might be interesting. If you enjoyed them and learned a lot, ask them and yourself these questions: Can they do a variety of programs, or are they a “one-trick pony?”

I know I am often asked to do the “same program,” but when I learn the needs of the organization, I will suggest something different. Likewise, if it is not in my area of expertise, I will turn it down. Credentials, experience and education are important. Be wary of the speaker who can talk on anything, and be cautious about going just on price. You get what you pay for.

—Dr. Mimi

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