Revisiting Your Resolutions

It is a New Year, filled with resolutions to exercise more, eat healthier, and have a more positive lifestyle. Saying it is easy. Doing it is hard.

Here are some tips that can help:

  • Write a specific, detailed, realistic plan and put it where you will see it!
  • Change one behavior at a time. When you have too many goals, you can’t focus. There is a Chinese Proverb that says, “If you try to catch two rabbits at the same time, you will catch none.”
  • Take small manageable steps that can be measured. If you try to do too much, you will give up. Small steps mean great progress.
  • Involve a friend who will partner with you to help keep you committed and motivated. Talk about your goal, your possible stumbling blocks, and how you can help each other.
  • Ask for help. Getting assistance from someone who cares will strengthen your resilience and commitment. Calling a psychologist or a coach for just a few sessions can help you set and attain both your goals and the issues that get in your way.

Remember, you may have lapses and set backs. DON’T GIVE UP! Resolve and commit to getting back on track and then do it!

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