Dear Dr. Mimi: Generous Office Mate

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Dear Dr. Mimi
We are a two-person office. My employer treats me well … too well. I am paid well. I get little presents all the time. I received a huge birthday bonus, and now he wants to pay for my membership in a health club. He has never made any inappropriate advances, and yet I feel uncomfortable accepting this gift. Even in these tough times, our organization is doing well. Am I being overly cautious by not accepting any more gifts?

Dear Overpaid,
Some people are truly generous, and perhaps you are underrating yourself. If the organization is doing well, this may be his way of showing appreciation. It is less costly to give you a one-time gift than a raise. However, if you don’t want to accept the latest gift, tell him thanks for the generous offer but that you are uncomfortable with his paying for your membership at this time.
—Dr. Mimi

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