Is Your Culture “Climate Inclusive?”


Culture is important because it affects productivity, motivation and the bottom line. An organizational culture is much like its personality. It can be inclusive and open, exclusive and restricting…or somewhere in between. The good news is that organizational culture is easier to change than personality, once you know what it is and what you want it to be.

Creating the climate of an organization is often an initiative where the leadership takes responsibility for ensuring a healthy and positive work environment.  

What is the culture climate of your organization? Do you know if your employees feel included?

Here are three questions to determine your cultural climate:

1. Are employees able to make decisions or is upper level approval required?

2. Do employees have the ability to work autonomously or are they micromanaged? (Do you know if they are feeling micromanaged? Most employers don’t!)

3. Is the direction and the vision of the organization communicated with your employees on a weekly or monthly basis or are they typically uninformed? What they don’t know will hurt not only them but also the organization.

If you have answered the second option to at least one question, chances are the climate of your organization’s culture needs improvement!

Don’t despair. We have worked with many organizations whose cultural climate needed fixing. The good news is that it can be done…if you make it a priority!

Feel free to give us a call for a no obligation consultation.

(From Building Inclusive Cultures – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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