It’s Hard to Really Listen!

A key to effective communication is to listen, really listen. Not only will you be able to comprehend better, you will be able to provide a better response as well.

Why is it hard to listen?

Physical distractions – Everything from the voices around us, the temperature of the room, scents, and inadequate lighting affect our ability to pay attention or listen. We have a choice…tune them out or find a better space!

Message Overload – We get too much, too fast. Listen and reflect back key points and ask if you are correct. Do not assume that effective communication is just the sender’s responsibility.

Not maintaining eye contact – Look at the speaker directly. Do not multi-task! You know how it bothers you when others do it…so don’t be guilty of it yourself.

Assuming you know what they are going to say – Let the speaker finish without interrupting. You may learn that what you thought was so is not!

Judging prematurely – You decide before all the facts are presented. Try waiting and listening before you make a decision. Look for main and supporting points in the speaker’s message.

Rehearsing your response – Before you respond, repeat what you have heard. The chances of a better response is greatly increased if you do!

(From Business Communications – Hull & Associates)

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