Keys to a Positive Work Environment

Keep your employees informed – The more information your employees receive, the less they assume; and… the less chance for miscommunication and useless rumors and gossip.

Transparency – Don’t hide things. If the goal is to work as a team, access to information is essential to success.

Honesty – Information that you pass on to your employees must be true. 100% of the time!

Balance criticism with praise. – Correcting an employee’s mistakes is necessary and deciding on disciplinary action is appropriate, but also understand that people need to hear the good things they have done as well. People are motivated when they hear at least two praises for every criticism.

Public vs. Private – Praise in public, and more important…criticize in private.

Don’t over-work – Emphasize the importance of getting work done on time, meeting deadlines, and being productive. However, don’t forget the human factor. Unexpected circumstances occasionally arise and flexibility and caring build loyalty.

Learn to Laugh – Laughter is good for you. Remember to smile. Tell an appropriate funny joke here and there. Remember, that if you are poking fun at someone, it needs to be yourself. We spend way too much time at work to not enjoy the people we have around us.

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