Becoming More Resilient

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Are you being tyrannized by your emotions? If so here are three hints to help you escape the tyranny!

Rethink your standards: If your failure to achieve perfection causes continual guilt and frustration, redefine what success means. For example, if you always feel inundated with work, ask yourself if you’re spending more time on tasks than they really require. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by making a task harder than it needs to be.

Re-frame your situation: If weather delays your flight to an important business meeting, instead of stewing about the disruption, over which you have no control, take advantage of the extra time to prepare for your presentation, catch up on reading or even sleep.

Reassess the significance of the problem: Will it matter tomorrow? Next week? A year from now? Emotion magnifies the difficulty of a problem in the moment; perspective shrinks it. So make sure you give yourself a steady dose of the latter.

(From Building Resiliency Seminar – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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