5 Ways to Deal with Change


Change is inevitable and hard! So what can you do to make it more comfortable and successful?

1. Invest your energy in making quick adjustments to the change. – Don’t focus on what life was like before the change or find ways to rebel. Accept that change has occurred. It is better to be a change agent than a change blocker!

2. Determine how the game has changed. Reorder your priorities. – Take a step back and learn why the change occurred. This will help you figure out ways to work with the change and have the change work for you.

3. Don’t worry about the bad things.
– Focus on the bright side. Maintain a positive attitude to help you through tough times and long days.

4. Keep in step with the organization’s intended pace of change.
– Speed up. Don’t drag your feet in this process. Decide to adapt to change and work with it to help avoid conflict later on.

5. Keep a positive attitude and a sense of humor. – Encourage others around you and focus on the positive. Be an advocate for the change. Express the reason why you feel this change will be a positive one for your organization.

A thought: The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
(From Change Workshop – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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