Selecting Team Members-Questions to ask yourself

How carefully do you select your team members? Reading a resume tells you part of the story. It is an advertisement. It says what the person can do but not how they do it.

What you need to know is how do they work? Success is more than finding a person who can do the job. they need to fit. The DISC Role Behavior Profile can help. Here are some questions to ask before selecting a Team Member.

1. Are they both competent and smart? Can they not only do the job today but also learn new things tomorrow? What are they currently doing to improve themselves?

2. Will they fit in your culture? Every organization has a unique culture and having someone that fits makes a huge difference, not just in comfort but also in performance. Have you defined your culture? What are your values? How do you exhibit them? How do you enforce them?

3. Do they accept responsibility? When things go wrong, what do they do? Do they bury their mistakes? Do they blame others or look for solutions?

4. Do they have integrity?
Do they do what they say they will do? Are they ethical?

5. Are they win-win oriented and not just results oriented? It is great to achieve results and it is important that the win is not at the expense of others.

6. Can they communicates with precision, ease and grace? Communication is the key to understanding. Understanding is the key to productivity!

7. Are they adaptable? Changes will occur and how will they respond?

8. Are they fun? Do you enjoy having them around?

Can you imagine building a team of people who meet these criteria? You can do it…We can help!

(From Team Building and Behavioral Interviewing – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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