Dear Dr. Mimi

Dear Dr. Mimi
I just took on a new position that is challenging my leadership ability. This position is forcing me to make many changes to the way I typically do things. Likewise, the organization is instituting more changes, and I can tell my employees are resisting these changes. What should I do?

Dear Stuck:

In today’s business world, change is necessary and inevitable. People feel uncomfortable when you first execute change or ask them to do something they have never done before. That is normal!

Some people may believe the changes mean they have to give up the way they want to do things to satisfy you personally or that the old way was wrong. The old way may have been perfect before, but things change and so do ways of accomplishing goals. If the changes apply to everyone, let staffers know that you are the facilitator. Emphasize that you support the change and, in addition, they must support each other during the process.
Also, find out their needs. Do they want clarification of the expectations? Do they need training? Are they unsure of their ability to adjust? If you can, provide them with the necessary training, information or assistance.

If you aren’t sure what to do to implement the change, bring the group together to brainstorm ideas. Remember: People support what they help create! One word of caution: Change takes time and consistency. If you back down, staffers will naturally return to the way things “we’ve always done before.”

Dr. Mimi

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