8 Ways to Stay Positive at Work

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1. Before you speak, ask yourself three things: Is it true? Is it harmful? Is it necessary? Choose your battles wisely!

2. Count to 1000. Yes, 1000. Control your anger before it controls you.

3. See criticism as an opportunity to improve. Don’t take it personally. Always remember that it doesn’t take away your value as a person. Take criticism as corrective information that will get you back on track on your journey to success. It’s all about perspective.

4. Cultivate a sense of humor.
Humor makes difficult tasks easier, makes workdays go faster, creates closer relationships, and relieves stress. Remember to keep your humor appropriate and if in doubt, cut it out!

5. Focus on the good daily. The choice is ultimately yours to see the positive or the negative in each situation. Stop yourself when you start thinking negatively and choose to see the bright side of situations.

6. Practice empathy. Refining your listening skills is key to developing empathy. Practice by taking the time to sit down and really listen to someone who has come to you for guidance. Remember to see it through with the eyes of another, hear it with the ears of another, and feel it with the heart of another.

7. Open your mind to changes. Change is the only permanent thing in life, so just accept it. Let go of the need to control and learn to trust your organization.

8. Last, but certainly not least, spread a smile! Try it. Walk up to someone at work,give a big smile and see how they will smile back!

“Negativity Program” – Dr. Mimi Hull

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