Dear Dr. Mimi

Dear Dr. Mimi,
My boss doesn’t hide his contempt for me. He constantly criticizes me and he gives me the assignments that no one else will do. I don’t know what I did to deserve his rude behavior but I’m starting to lose my cool with him. Any advice?-
Scorned Staffer

Dear Scorned,
The term commonly used to describe your supervisor is “toxic.” Here are the four tips I commonly offer clients who work with a toxic boss:

1. Don’t take it personally. You’re a person first and an employee second. If your supervisor starts screaming at you or acts in some other way that is inappropriate be polite but make a choice not to buy into it.

2. Don’t compromise your ethics. If you are asked to do something you know is wrong, speak up, ask questions and politely decline.

3. Don’t seek revenge. Remember, success is the best revenge. Do not stoop to the level of your supervisor; it’s only likely to make the problem worse.

4. Don’t play the victim. Victims lose control and get dumped on more. Choose to have the personal power and toughness needed to succeed.

Are these things easier said than done? Oh course, but they sure beat crawling into a hole and sucking your thumb!


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