Can you Explain?

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Explanation is a key attribute of leadership. John Baldoni says, “Leaders know to inject their communications with enthusiasm as a means of persuasion, but they also need to include an explanation for the excitement. What does it mean and why are we doing it are critical questions that every leader must answer.”

Here are three ways to become an effective explainer.

Define what it is. The purpose of an explanation is to describe the issue. For example, if you are pushing for cost reductions, explain why they are necessary and what they will entail. Put the issue into the context of business operations. Be certain to give the benefits.

Define what it isn’t. Move into the “never assume mode.” Be clear to define the exclusions. For example, returning to our cost reduction issue, if you are asking for reductions in costs, not people, be explicit. Otherwise employees will assume they are being axed. This is not simply true for potential layoffs but for any business issue.

Say what you want done. Establish expectations and call for action. Cost reductions mean employees will have to do more with less. Be specific. Leaders can also use the expectations step as a challenge for people to think and do differently.

Remember: Too much detail can put an audience to sleep, but too few details won’t be convincing.

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