How to Transform your Group into a Team

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I get calls saying,”We need team building next week.” Team Building may start with an event and needs to continue with a process. Here are some tips to work the process.

Create Opportunities for People to Get Together to Tackle an Issue
This does not have to be a “big” thing. Issues will pop up on a weekly basis. During these crunch times, a leader “needs to remind people what they’re together to do. A time line is usually critical to success. The more opportunities people have to work together, the more likely it is they will begin to function as a close-knit team.

Have People Work Together to Tackle an Issue.
This does not have to be a “big” thing. Issues pop up. The more people work together, the more likely they will function as a team.

Celebrate the Outcome!
Congratulate the team on a job well done. Bring the team back to reflect on how it felt to work closely together. Expect some resistance. People may say they can’t imagine working this way and getting their own work done. Emphasize the excitement of a shared model, where anyone on the team initiates things, rather than waiting to be told what to do.

Give the process time.
People who have spent their lives simply following orders are task rather than process oriented. They may regard the process as too touchy-feely. Help employees understand that team work isn’t about being nice; it’s about smart business. A team atmosphere call on everyone-not just the leader-to generate ideas, initiate projects and produce top-notch work.

(From Dr. Mimi’s Team Building Workshop)

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