Make an Impact! Adapt your DiSC®!

High impact people adapt their DISC to keep organizations on the cutting edge. They are valued and kept…even when others are being laid off. So what are the keys to having impact?

Establish your network of knowledgeable people and resources when things are going well. When a crisis develops, you know who to call. (“I” behavior.)

Analyze and break down complex information into usable pieces. Remember KISS – Keep it Simple, Sweetheart. People want to understand the situation. The simpler the terms, the more understandable the communication. (“S” behavior.)

Be flexible and respond quickly. You may need to change your position. Remember there is a difference between being right and “dead right.’ Establish relationships so that you can rally your troops before the situation turns into a crisis. (“D & I” behavior.)

Gather your facts and make a decision. You may have to make decisions based on your gut, and what you believe is the best thing at the current time. (“C” and “D” behavior.)

Strive for perfection but remember failure is not fatal. You will make mistakes. Admit your mistakes. Get help, correct them and move on. (“C” behavior.)

Celebrate success. Give people the credit and recognition they deserve. If you follow these guidelines, you will be recognized as a high impact person who is necessary for the success of your organization. (“I” and “S” Behavior.)

If you want to take the DISC or have someone else take it, please do contact us at or 407 628-0669. We want to be your DISC vendor!

(from Making an Impact Workshop- Dr. Mimi Hull)

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