Is a Meeting Really Necessary?

Too many meetings! When have you heard that?

It’s not news to anyone that a lot of meetings are unproductive, lack focus and waste people’s time. Often holding a meeting is unnecessary and can be replaced with an email or a one-on-one conversation. Time is valuable and in order to make the most of it, you need to determine whether holding a meeting is absolutely crucial to the task at hand.

To find out if you need a meeting, ask yourself:

1. Does the task require more than one person?

2. Are the tasks interdependent?

3. Is there more than one solution?

4. Are misunderstandings likely?

5. Is there enough time?

6. Do you need buy-in?

If you answered “yes” to more than one of these questions, hold a productive meeting, with an agenda, a facilitated discussion, action items and a summary at the end! Even if a meeting is “on the calendar,” if you answered “no” to the questions above, send an e-mail, make a phone call, or have a one on one conversation! No one will complain if you cancel the meeting. They will complain if it is an unproductive one!

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