Dear Dr. Mimi: Hardly Noticed

Q: I want to make sure my boss notices the quality of the work I do so he knows who his best workers are if he has to make staff cuts. What can I do to be noticed?
-Lacking Luster

A: There are no shortcuts to making a lasting positive impression. Hard work, respect, and sincerity are key factors, you will be sure to impress a boss in any work setting by following these steps.

Meet deadlines. An employee who delivers quality products or services ion a timely manner will always be a plus., Show a good work ethic by being on time yourself.

Be positive. For every two complaints or suggestions for improvement you make to your boss, be sure to point out four positive things. Avoid petty gripes entirely. It is very hard to work in a negative environment. Always look on the bright side.

Be sincere. No one enjoys being manipulated, especially your boss. Your boss will be pleased if you are honest and consistent in your performance and only question him or her when you have a legitimate concern.

Keep your work area clean. Having a clean desk with all your papers in place is start to being organized and is a good way to demonstrate that you have your work in order.

Never assume. If asked, “when you get a chance…,” request a specific target fate for the assignment. It is okay to probe your boss if you do not understand a given task. Being clear and precise shows professionalism and caring for you work.

Dr. Mimi

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