DiSC® vs. MBTI®

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In our practice, we use both the Myers-Briggs (MBTI®) and the DiSC® and I am often asked, “Which one is better?”

The fact is, there is no such thing as “the best” psychological instrument. As consultants, who use a variety of assessments, our challenge is to choose the “appropriate” instrument that will meet our client’s needs. Both assessments are valid. Both are reliable. Both can be taken online. In fact, there may be a circumstance when we want to administer both!

Why? Because they measure different things! While the DiSC® measures behaviors, MBTI measures personality types. The concept of “personality” presupposes that a person will react similarly in most situations. Another model to look at the comparison is that MBTI® looks at “climate” or overall personality and the DiSC® looks at “weather,” behavior in a specific situation.

Dr. William Marston, a physiological psychologist who introduced DISC, studied how individuals perceived themselves in a particular situation. DiSC® measures the resulting behaviors and emotions of the perception, and the likely subsequent behavior. Thus, DISC helps people understand behavior (their own and others) in various circumstances (work, home, etc.) While you personality is less likely to change, your behavior is more flexible depending on the needs of the situation.

Just as a medical doctor runs different tests, based on different symptoms, we listen to the needs of our clients and, if an assessment is needed, we prescribe the best one to satisfy the particular needs. If you want to have a better idea of what would best suit your needs, please feel free to contact us!

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