Getting Help!

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It’s the holidays! You are overloaded. How do you get help at work?

Create the right atmosphere. Don’t rush in with emotional complaints about the stress you feel. Explain the situation calmly and clearly. Know exactly what you want others to do.

Use specific assertive language like “I need your support with this and would like you to…” Taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings allows you to present yourself as a mere mortal who sometimes needs help. It is harder to dismiss a human than it is to dismiss an idea!

Suggest what’s in it for them. Use phrases like “I can see how this will improve your visibility…” Speak to their motivations. If helping you enables them to achieve their aspirations, they are more likely to assist you.

Barter: “If you will do this for me, I will do … for you.” Be prepared to negotiate; think of a contingency plan that will take some pressure off and give you a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Thank them for their efforts. Everyone likes recognition, and in this case they have really put themselves out for you, both in terms of time and effort.

Give recognition. Let people that matter know how helpful your colleague was to you and what part they played in your success.

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