Does your listening need a tune up?

Breaking poor listening habits may not be easy, but it can be done. It can also mean the difference between success and failure in the workplace.
Here are some clues to help you determine if your listening skills need a tune-up.

Do You:

Tend to daydream when slow speakers are speaking?
Tune out when the subject is dry?
Judge the delivery and tune out?
Tend to mentally argue with the speaker?
Find yourself unable to listen to heavy, detailed material?
Let trigger words divert your attention?
Plan your response before the speaker is finished?
Listen passively?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you need to improve your listening skills. Here are some helpful hints to improve your listening skills.
Listen “between the lines.” What are the feelings behind the words?

Fight Distractions. Shut your door.

Stay focused. Don’t check e-mail or do other things when you should be listening.

Judge only when comprehension has been checked out.

Do not let delivery style get in the way of the information.

Listen for the central ideas and the main points.

Make eye contact and maintain an active body state.

Keep your emotions in check.


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